The concept of the Staatliche Bücher- und Kupferstichsammlung Greiz and Satiricum is based upon the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums and therefore understands itself as a »non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment«.
Temporary exhibitions aim to illustrate the context of cultural actions, employing a variety of themes. The intention is to explain the origin and history of the Sommerpalais and the collection it houses by using examples from the collections. Visitors are offered the chance to experience the importance of cultural existence and cultural identity.
Graphical and textual evidence is professionally conserved. Different topics and major issues deriving from the museum collection are subject to scientific research. The results are made available to the public in publications and exhibitions.
Exhibitions accompanied by publications and texts, are regarded as the best museum specific means to pass on historical backgrounds or complex situations in the most concise manner.
In a similar manner, cultural history and the present cultural context are of importance to the Staatliche Bücher- und Kupferstichsammlung. The collection as a piece of cultural heritage presented in the cultural monument of the Sommerpalais shows visitors the way from the present day to a past that is an integral part of their existence.
The museum is owned by the administrative district of Greiz and is a member of the Museumsverband Thüringen e.V., the federation of museums in Thuringia.