Fürst­lich Greizer Park

The park’s history dates back to the mid-17th century. At first, a kitchen garden stretched from the foot of the castle hill to the river. Only when the predecessor of the Sommerpalais was built in the early 18th century, was the garden modelled.
From 1800 onwards, Heinrich XIII Reuss Elder line (1747–1817) shaped it in manner of English gardens. Heinrich XIX Reuss Elder line (1790–1836) employed the imperial-royal commissioner Johann Michael Riedl of Leuenburg from Laxenburg near Vienna for this task. The next creative ideas for the garden came from the garden administrator Carl Eduard Petzold (1815–1891) in 1872, at the time the railroad through the city was built. Petzold received the commission to draw up new plans for the park and the concealment of the railway tracks. Petzold’s plans were adapted by his pupil Rudolf Reinecken (1846–1928). Starting in 1873, Reinecken, who worked in Greiz for 50 years, had a lasting influence on the park’s development. The park has been in ownership of the Stiftung Thüringer Schlösser und Gärten since 1994.

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